Double donations – for 12 days only
Donate here during the Big Give week for your donation to be doubled
We’re calling on you to pick one of the Home-Start 12 days of Christmas fundraising (from 25th November – 6 December) and join us in doubling donations to support Home-Start’s support for families in Trafford, Salford and Wigan. Each day will be a different themed activity. Pick one that works for you and join the fun!

Thursday 25th November
Bake cakes and sell them in your office to raise money. You can even make it 12 days of Christmas-themed! Pear cakes anyone?!
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Friday 26th November
Did you know Turtle Doves is cockney rhyming slang for ‘gloves’? Ask friends and family to donate hats and scarves and hold a winter clothes sale at work or in your community
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Saturday 27th November
We’ll be holding a bucket collection at local supermarkets in Trafford borough. Join us in your best Christmas hat and help us to raise money for Home-Start!
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Sunday 28th November
Four calling birds or ten, and you don’t even need to be a bird! Sign up to join the fundraising telethon and help us to raise donations that will be doubled.
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Monday 29th November
Five Gold Rings, four blingy necklaces, seven silver rings. Do you have any old jewellery you don’t wear any more? Sell it to raise money.
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Tuesday 30th November
Today is the day to start shouting on social media about the campaign and ask your friends and family to donate to Home-Start. All donations get doubled!
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Wednesday 1st December
Are your kids water babies? Sign up to our sponsored swimathon and ask your friends and family to sponsor you.
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Thursday 2nd December
Do you have the best smoothie recipe? Set up a smoothie stall at work, or on your drive and sell them to raise money.
Sign up now »

Friday 3rd December
Today is the day for our big discothon. From 12 midday to 12 midnight we’ll be discoing our way through the day live on Zoom!

Saturday 4th December
Do a sponsored run and ask people to sponsor you. Or, you could even hold a sponsored bounceathon on a trampoline!
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Sunday 5th December
It’s December, we can officially sing carols. Join us for some carol singing at a local supermarket.
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Monday 6th December
It’s day 12! Time to do a big final push and get those final doubled donations in.
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